The June issue just recently received is one of the best since your beginning. While one may not agree with all the philosophical conclusions reached by the various writers in this issue, you are certainly to be commended for presenting these views, thus giving us the incentive to re-think our patterns. We are on the march against ignorance, prejudice and all the other black sins that curse the "realm of Christianity"-so-called. ONE can be proud that they have lead the way. A MINISTER
Dear Sirs:
Each issue of ONE makes the cause of homosexuals more known. I always remail my issue to a person I think would be interested in our cause. If every member did this, we would soon have more support.
Dear Editors: Having been handed a copy of the recent
of another magazine, containing and article explaining the efforts of the Editors in publishing ONE, my partner and are very much interested in subscribing to ONE, regularly.
So far, this is the first that any of our friends have heard of the publication. We all join in congratulating you and your fine staff in creating what we have all hoped for over a long period of time.
From the description in the other article, it seems to be a very outstanding magazine, and of a type which will certainly achieve what each and every one of us is striving fortolerance in society, by our employers, neighbors and families.
We all join in extending our best wishes for continued success.
I salute the editors and staff of ONE for doing in addition to hoping and dreaming. I will always remain willing to support in my small way any effort to reduce intolerance toward a minority group in the United States. Intolerance is basically as un-American as Communism. I realize that the road ahead of us is long and difficult, but that part of the road already traveled has been pretty tough, too. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C.
Dear Sirs:
A moment ago the established fact of your publication was brought to my attention.
I am overwhelmed, so much so that I can hardly express that which I wish to say. But first and foremost I am truly thankful that at last someone has had the courage to take such a decisive step-in the right direction. Dissemination of truths and ideas in order to dissolve the moral bigotry that has been and is being broadcast today is the first step toward better understanding by the heterosexual of the problem which he has helped create.
Dear Editors:
Let me congratulate you heartily on your issue, "Religion and the Homosexual."
A year ago I was afraid ONE might be merely a vehicle for gripes-but now it is a creative force. Keep up issues like June's 1954 and it will be a permanent, irreplacable instrument. for greater tolerance and freedom.
Dear Sirs:
The reason that I'm interested in subscribing to ONE is that I believe I am homosexually inclined. I feel that your magazine will give me guidance and enlightenment that I need. Just knowing that I am now writing to your lets me know that I am not alone with my problem. You are to be commended very highly for the step you are taking. I know that many others are grateful just as I am.
Dear Sirs:
If myself or any of my close friends can be of any assistance to your organization-WE ARE READY!
Editor's note: We thank you! It is spirit such as this that Whitman would wish for, in order to build his "City of Comrades."
To ALL it may concern:
In a recent issue of People Today I read of the marvelous effort you, a non-profit organization, are doing to promote a better understanding of a misunderstood minority group. I not only believe its goals sincere and right, but also believe that such goals will be reached in the near future only if people like myself are willing to bring knowledge and understanding into our American homes.
Editor's note: And it's "people like yourself" who are enabling ONE to send this knowledge to the homes, the churches, to our doctors, lawyers and educators. Thank you for your contribution!
Dear ONE:
A great change has come about in ONE-in the past 6 months! I speak, not only for myself, but for many friends who subscribe and who meet with me and discuss each issue. ONE seems to have acquired a heart in 1954! ONE no longer seems to feel that the "male" is the only one who needs help and understanding, and that the only way to attain same is to battle constantly with law enforcement! People make the laws. Men and women. Your appeal recently has been to ALL peoples-the laymen and the scholars. The recent articles mean as much to the Lesbian as to the male invert.
We feel now, that you love us-there may come a time when you'll be forced to take up the sword, both for us and for ONE, but your love for us is going to make the army behind you MUCH stronger!